Potato Clone

A Clipping of a Potato Plant.

Potato Clone
  1. Tips

NintendoBrony[contributor] 191 pts. 4 years ago

It is generally better to clone plants with really good genes and harvest the rest. If you are interested in cross breeding to get the most out of your growing setup, keep a few decent ones for crossbreeding.
This is not my video, but it is a great tutorial for crossbreeding the perfect strain (all G's and Y's, though you could also go for H's if you live in the snow): https://youtu.be/I5w0KAqkHYI

Nouka 20 pts. year ago

if the condition is 100%, 3g3y potato clone need 40 minutes to clone, 60 minutes to ripe, yield is 17
Identifier 1512054436
Stack Size ×50
Despawn time 5 min