Scientist Suit

A piece of clothing worn by the Scientist NPCs. Although it is an unobtainable item, it can be spawned in by an admin.

ProjectileProjectile 30 %
MeleeMelee 30 %
BiteBite 8 %
RadiationRadiation 50 %
ColdCold 8 %
ExplosionExplosion 5 %
Scientist Suit
  1. Recycling
  2. Tips
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Tarp×2Sewing KitHigh Quality Metal×4 40 %
Recycler Tarp×3Sewing Kit×2High Quality Metal×5 60 %

Gallus[contributor] 291 pts. 6 years ago

Because this provides less protection to explosions, and no protection to fires, it is good to keep in mind that grenades and flamethrowers are more effective against scientists.

Aero 6 pts. year ago

in new halloween update harvest scientist body with sickle to get this
Identifier -253079493
Stack Size ×1
Despawn time 5 min