Chicken Costume

An inflatable chicken costume. Acting as a replacement for wooden pants, you can equip this item to look as silly as possible.

ProjectileProjectile 10 %
MeleeMelee 40 %
BiteBite 5 %
RadiationRadiation 5 %
ExplosionExplosion 5 %
Chicken Costume
  1. Craft
  2. Repair
  3. Recycling
  4. Steam Item
  5. Tips
Blueprint Ingredients Time Workbench Level
skin Chicken Costume Blueprint

Requires Steam item

Cloth×25Wood×200 3–15 sec -
Tool Max Repair Cost Condition Loss BP Required
Repair Bench Repair Bench Cloth×5Wood×40 - No
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Cloth×10Wood×80 40 %
Recycler Cloth×15Wood×120 60 %
Chicken Costume

Chicken Costume...

Currency: $
  • A$Australian Dollar
  • R$Brazilian Real
  • £British Pound
  • C$Canadian Dollar
  • ¥Chinese Renminbi
  • Euro
  • Polish Zloty
  • р.Russian Ruble
  • RSouth African Rand
  • $US Dollar
  • Ukrainian Hryvnia

world champ ball scratcher 17 pts. 6 months ago*

Equipping this will raise your intimidation factor ten-fold. It also lets you float on water and makes you waterproof!

Hahaha! Jokes aside, the differences between this and Wooden Leg Armor:

  • +++ It is so big that it hides holstered weapons like the Eoka. Pretend to be friendly!
  • ++ It's a Chicken.
  • + It now fades away from your screen when crouching!

  • +/- It takes cloth instead of rope!... but recycling rope gives less cloth than required to craft this...

  • -- It makes a squeaking noise when walking.
  • --- Hiding in bushes will be a bit of an issue.
  • ---- It's bright, but so are hazzys, eh?
Burlap provides the EXACT same leg protection as Burlap+WLA that you care about early game!! -- Besides a single close range revolver shot and a SINGLE NAIL. Save your ropes for crossys and save your wood so you don't have to farm more! Also, the chicken suit's cloth requirements is literally just the cost of burlap pants and shoes!
=FROM A DISTANCE OF ~10M USING DEFAULT AMMO= There are ~6 instances where having 15% protection will save you from 1-2 more leg shots before death. With the extra 10% from WLA, you will survive 1 more leg shot ~5 extra times than 15%.
Configurable sheet of damage values for all percents, distances, and weapons:
Identifier -152332823
Stack Size ×1
Despawn time 5 min