
A 3 pronged pitchfork. Extremely easy to hit targets with.

Damage 40
Attack Speed 40 HPM
Range 2.75 m
Draw 1 sec
Throw Yes
  1. Repair
  2. Recycling
  3. Damage
  4. Tips
Tool Max Repair Cost Condition Loss BP Required
Repair Bench Repair Bench Wood×60Metal Fragments×20 20% No
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Wood×120Metal Fragments×40 40 %
Recycler Wood×180Metal Fragments×60 60 %
Attack Damage DPS Headshot Spread Velocity
Melee 40 27 ×2 - -
Throw 50 - ×1.5 1 25

Giovanni Giorgio 99 pts. 4 years ago

Slightly bit better than the spear and can only be obtained from killing scarecrows
Identifier 1090916276
Stack Size ×1
Despawn time 5 min