3 174 pts. 7 years ago
The eoka pistol can be used to raid bases with wooden doors. This method of raiding requires no blueprints and is cheap, but it is also draws a lot of attention as it is noisy.
1 351 pts. 5 years ago
Best used to make plays with; sneak up to a geared guy, eoka him really close up and take his gearset to snowball further.
Easier said than done, though.
Note: unlike other "real" guns in Rust, you'll have to HOLD the fire (lmb) button rather than press it, and wait until a shell comes out.
Btw, never trust a naked running around; he might just pull out an eoka on you, or be crafting one and ready to wipe you out from close.
Eoka's can instakill anyone, even with full metal armor, when close enough and correctly aimed. One of its main problems is the unpredictable shot timing (when you start hitting the stone for a spark), it can fire anywhere from within 0.5 seconds of holding the trigger, to as long as 3 seconds. So if you're facing someone, he might kill you (or get on a distance from you not to be instakilled, and shoot you) before you're able to discharge the eoka round. Therefore, it's also not a good weapon to doorcamp with.
Note: if you approach from behind.. skilled players will jump right away once they hear the spark stone's sound. Your luck is in the random speed of discharge.
1 351 pts. 5 years ago
Protip: craft multiple Eoka pistols, if you don't have a workbench (or base) to make more shells.
Every time you craft one, it will come with 1 shell by default; you can either unload all of them, but you better just keep multiple Eoka pistols in your weapons hotbar so you can quickly swap to another one and fire again after shooting at someone with the first one, then without reloading. Most attempts to "make a play" fail due to not succeeding to deal enough damage with a single shot, not being close enough, or missing with the shabby projectiles, therefore the lengthy reload time (or absence of another shell) is probably what'll kill you and fail the entire attempt. So, be prepated to tie an end to your attempt to make a play, with multiple eoka's (at least 2)!
1 157 pts. 2 years ago
The eoka shotgun pistol is a great primitive weapon that when crafted, comes with just 1 shell. For many of us, this one shell is the defining line of failure and success, loot or waste, grub or no grub. this is why, due to its cheap cost, you should craft several if possible and gunpowder is not available. it doesn't create a sash on a player so be careful if you decide to be friendly with nakeds as you never know, they may be crafting an eoka ready to kill you. this weapon is used before and throughout T1 but i feel that as soon as you can, begin to replace your eoka runs with waterpipes as i'm sure a lot of you have had eoka grub failures simply due to not being able to discharge the weapon. this won't happen with the waterpipe shotgun and this, combined with the better aiming of the waterpipe makes it highly preferred.
1 157 pts. year ago
I had some time on my hands, so I tested the eoka with 1000 shots in a personal server. The dataset's points follow
Range 1-7 Mean 2.17857 Median 2 Mode 1
Eoka 1 tap occurs roughly 37% of the time. Eoka 7 tap is the max, occuring 1% of the time. 2 Tap is the average. The number of taps required for an eoka to go off, does not change with the type of ammo loaded. Eokas, in the past, could be forced to go off immediately when you clicked R at the perfect time. This has since been patched.
1 17 pts. 9 months ago
- This glorified party-popper is incredibly cheap to craft, requiring 75W and 30MFs. One trip to a recycler and you will have yourself a DIY boomstick.
- Surprise will be your favorite element when using this weapon. With the buff, you will now be more likely to get a shot out before they react, and you MAY even be able to peek a corner with it much more efficiently.
- Carrying at least 2 eokas can be a good idea -- you'll have a second shot ready to go if you miss your first eoka. You can also pair this with a bow to get the first shot in, or even just more eokas to pepper down the enemy from a BIT longer of a distance, doing around ~10-50 damage each. (Your mileage may vary, but I have had this work way too often!)
0 75 pts. 6 years ago
The Eoka Pistol combined with 12 Gauge Incendiary Shell can prove to be extremely useful when destroying wooden doors.
0 148 pts. 6 years ago
You can also destroy wooden walls/ceilings/foundations with eok! Tt's a really noisy method but don't need any blueprint for it!
0 179 pts. 6 years ago
In combat, this thing can be really annoying but at the same time may pay off greatly. This is also a very early raiding weapon as it does a considerable amount of damage to wooden structures
0 10 pts. 2 years ago
if you try to shoot before the loading animation ends, it will not shoot and will swing the gun in your hand (it's ridiculous). It will make you wait for 2 seconds and this is a very important loss in pvp. You need to make sure that the download is finished.
trivia: does not aim when you right click, but shakes your hand as if you were aiming
0 32 pts. 2 years ago
If some naked trying to get close to you, or just exists nearby, always remember that he probably crafting eoka right now, or have resources to craft it. And just kill him on sight, without gifting him chance to shoot stones in your face.
0 214 pts. year ago
you can attach it to a auto turret!
-1 108 pts. 6 years ago
The eoka is a really underrated weapon. Its crap compared to others but you can acquire it for only 35 metal and deal alot of damage to enemies. Don't spread this too much or the devs might decide to patch it, but when you craft an eoka it is already loaded. This means you can make many, unload all but one, then recycle the rest to get more metal (ez 180 damage gun within 5 mins of spawning). BTW you can use the eoka to destroy wood walls/doors in 3 minutes loudly or use machetes to destroy them in 7 minutes quietly.