Key Lock

Key locks are used to lock doors, hatches, storage boxes and tool cupboards. Once placed it should be locked by activating it and selecting "Lock." For players other than the one who placed it to unlock it, they must have a key created by by the originating player. To remove a lock, unlock it and pick it up.

Key Lock
  1. Craft
  2. Blueprint
  3. Recycling
  4. Locks
  5. Key
  6. Tips
Blueprint Ingredients Time Workbench Level
Key Lock Blueprint Key Lock Blueprint

Known by Default

Wood×75 3–15 sec -
Tool Requirements Scrap Total
Research Table Research Table Key LockScrap×10>Key Lock Blueprint 10
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Wood×30 40 %
Recycler Wood×45 60 %
Item Category
Sheet Metal Double Door Sheet Metal Double Door Construction
Armored Double Door Armored Double Door Construction
Wood Double Door Wood Double Door Construction
Sheet Metal Door Sheet Metal Door Construction
Armored Door Armored Door Construction
Wooden Door Wooden Door Construction
Ladder Hatch Ladder Hatch Construction
Triangle Ladder Hatch Triangle Ladder Hatch Construction
High External Stone Gate High External Stone Gate Construction
High External Wooden Gate High External Wooden Gate Construction
Prison Cell Gate Prison Cell Gate Construction
Chainlink Fence Gate Chainlink Fence Gate Construction
Garage Door Garage Door Construction
Shop Front Shop Front Construction
Frankenstein Table Frankenstein Table Items
Fridge Fridge Items
Large Wood Box Large Wood Box Items
Locker Locker Items
Tool Cupboard Tool Cupboard Construction
Wood Storage Box Wood Storage Box Items
Wooden Frontier Bar Doors Wooden Frontier Bar Doors Construction
Carvable Pumpkin Carvable Pumpkin Items
Coffin Coffin Misc
Door Key Door Key

[WLB] FlyingSquid262 75 pts. 5 years ago

If you die when holding the key, you've basically given whoever killed you free access to your base.

Tyrone 1,945 pts. 3 years ago

If you're playing solo there is no need to craft a key. The door will work for you without it.

the phreshmaker[contributor] 492 pts. 4 years ago

Can be placed on boxes when you cannot reach the lock! This will prevent you from locking the lock and also preclude you from removing the lock and, in turn, the box.
When you initially equip a box, the side facing you will be where a lock would go.

Visual aids when placing a box:

  • For the large box, the lock goes in the thin rectangular bevel centerline below the lid.
  • For the small box, it goes on the side clockwise from where two gaps can be seen in the planks on the shorter side.

Bob 31 pts. year ago

Okay so here is everything you need to know about it (29.06.2023):
  1. When you lock something it is automatically locked (only you can use the locked item, you DON'T need a key for that).
  2. If you want to live with your friend DON'T create a key - use a [url=]Code Lock[/url]. If someone kills you while you have the key they'd have access to your entire base/
  3. If you want to pick up something locked put your hammer away, hold E looking at the deployable > Unlock > Remove Lock. Now you can pick your deployable up (with a hammer in hand).
  4. Unlike some old tips/tricks it has been changed that you don't have to look at a lock to interact with it. Just hold E (while not holding a hammer) while looking at the locked deployable, no matter where you look you'll have the "Unlock" option.
  5. What should you lock?: Your [url=]TC (Tool Cupboard)[/url], your doors and (only if you don't have an airlock/etc yet) - your boxes
Identifier -850982208
Stack Size ×10
Despawn time 5 min