Metal Ore Node

Metal ore nodes contain metal ore and high quality metal ore. Ore Nodes are most commonly found around cliffs, mountains and other rock formations. Due to this they are scarcely found in open fields.

Metal Ore Node
  1. Gathering
  2. Tips
Tool Resources Time Condition Loss
Jackhammer Jackhammer High Quality Metal Ore×2Metal Ore×600 1–2 sec 2 %
Bone Club Bone Club Metal Ore×286 18–51 sec 31 %
Pickaxe Pickaxe High Quality Metal Ore×2Metal Ore×600 12–27 sec 5 %
Rock Rock Metal Ore×250 24 sec – 1 min 4 sec 17 %
Salvaged Hammer Salvaged Hammer Metal Ore×358 9–19 sec 2 %
Salvaged Icepick Salvaged Icepick High Quality Metal Ore×2Metal Ore×600 7–13 sec 1 %
Stone Pickaxe Stone Pickaxe High Quality Metal Ore×2Metal Ore×485 9–23 sec 9 %

Hasery[contributor] 111 pts. 6 years ago

It's become more faster to get the ore if you hit the shine

beau[supporter][contributor] 855 pts. 5 years ago

When using a Salvaged Icepick hit the node on a normal bit, then hit the hotspots afterwards. This will destroy the node in 5 hits rather than the usual 6. This works with Sulfur Ore Nodes as well, but not Stone Ore Nodes.