Fire Arrow

Low-velocity high-damage equivalent to the wooden arrows. Emits a fiery area of effect near its point of impact which will damage and slow anyone in its radius. In combat this can deny both a push and a retreat. As a raid tool it's faster and quieter than the eoka. Unlike the flamethrower, the fire it spreads won't damage structures.

Fire Arrow
  1. Loot
  2. Craft
  3. Blueprint
  4. Ammo for
  5. Recycling
  6. Tips
Container Condition Amount Chance
Tool Box - 3–5 5 %
Sunken Crate - 3–5 3 %
Underwater Lab Tool Box - 3–5 5 %
Blueprint Ingredients Time Workbench Level
Fire Arrow Blueprint×2 Fire Arrow Blueprint Wood×20Cloth×2Low Grade Fuel×10 1–3 sec Workbench Level 1I
Low Grade Fuel Blueprint×4 Low Grade Fuel Blueprint

Known by Default

Animal Fat×3Cloth 1–5 sec -
Tool Requirements Scrap Total
Research Table Research Table Fire ArrowScrap×20>Fire Arrow Blueprint 20
Workbench Level 1 Workbench Level 1 Salvaged Hammer BlueprintPickaxe BlueprintSalvaged Sword BlueprintCompound Bow BlueprintMace BlueprintSalvaged Cleaver BlueprintWaterpipe Shotgun BlueprintFlare BlueprintPistol Bullet BlueprintRevolver BlueprintScrap×22>Fire Arrow Blueprint 730
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Wood×4Low Grade Fuel×2Cloth40% 40 %
Recycler Wood×6Low Grade Fuel×3Cloth60% 60 %

ZuccΛ 148 pts. 6 years ago

This arrow makes more dmg than the normal one (this si the strongest).

Zoraproxi[contributor] 363 pts. 6 years ago

The fire arrow is quite useful for taking out basic to average equipped enemies, even if the player misses the shot, it has a little bit of an explosion damage range and can ignite fires useful for burning down wooden doors and structures.

eddie 11 pts. 6 years ago

good for destroying locked tool cupboards. around 10 arrows should be fine

Mentally Advanced 6 pts. 6 years ago

This arrow is great when attacking enemies with metal armor. 2 headshots (50 dmg) will take down any geared person with a metal facemask, and 3 shots (33~34 dmg) if they are using the heaviest face protection.

univerc 11 pts. 2 years ago

these are extremely useful for destroying minicopters or scrap helis. iirc it's 17 fire arrows for a minicopter and 25 for a scrap heli.

Sossololpipi[contributor] 157 pts. 2 years ago

make note that these are highly visible, especially during the night! even without being shot, they create a very visible flame on their tip when loaded onto a bow.

AKO 57 pts. 2 years ago

Extremely useful for:
  • - getting rid of turrets
  • - slowly getting rid of wooden walls
Identifier 14241751
Stack Size ×64
Despawn time 5 min