Salvaged Cleaver

A slow, but powerful melee weapon. This is decent for PVPing but it's main use comes at farming components. The salvaged cleaver is one of the few melee weapons capable of destroying any barrel in a single hit. It is also fairly cheap, this makes it an ideal weapon to use when farming large amounts of barrels, especially if they are spread out.

Damage 60
Attack Speed 30 HPM
Range 1.5 m
Draw 1 sec
Throw Yes
Salvaged Cleaver
  1. Loot
  2. Craft
  3. Blueprint
  4. Events
  5. Repair
  6. Recycling
  7. Damage
  8. Gather
  9. Tips
Container Condition Amount Chance
Crate 100 % 1 1 %
Tool Box 100 % 1 5 %
Sunken Crate 100 % 1 3 %
Sunken Chest 100 % 1 1 %
Elite Tier Crate 100 % 1 2 %
Underwater Lab Tool Box 100 % 1 5 %
Underwater Lab Blue Crate 100 % 1 0.5 %
Underwater Lab Elite Crate 100 % 1 2 %
Wagon Crate 100 % 1 0.5 %
Underwater Dweller 100 % 1 0.2 %
Tunnel Dweller 100 % 1 0.2 %
Patrol Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Oil Rig Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Excavator Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Arctic Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Military Base Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Heavy Scientist 100 % 1 2 %
Cargo Ship Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Heavy Scientist With Minigun 100 % 1 2 %
Heavy Scientist With Flamethrower 100 % 1 2 %
Blueprint Ingredients Time Workbench Level
Salvaged Cleaver Blueprint Salvaged Cleaver Blueprint Metal Fragments×50Road Signs 7–30 sec Workbench Level 1I
Road Signs Blueprint Road Signs Blueprint High Quality Metal×2Scrap×20 1 sec Workbench Level 3III
Tool Requirements Scrap Total
Research Table Research Table Salvaged CleaverScrap×75>Salvaged Cleaver Blueprint 75
Workbench Level 1 Workbench Level 1 Salvaged Hammer BlueprintPickaxe BlueprintSalvaged Sword BlueprintReinforced Wooden Shield BlueprintCompound Bow BlueprintMini Crossbow BlueprintMace BlueprintScrap×83>Salvaged Cleaver Blueprint 658
Can be found in Condition Amount Chance
SUPER Stocking SUPER Stocking 100 % 1–2 2 %
Medium Present Medium Present 100 % 1 8 %
Tool Max Repair Cost Condition Loss BP Required
Repair Bench Repair Bench Metal Fragments×10High Quality Metal 20% Yes
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Metal Fragments×20Road Signs40% 40 %
Recycler Metal Fragments×30Road Signs60% 60 %
Attack Damage DPS Headshot Spread Velocity
Melee 60 30 ×2 - -
Throw 30 - ×1.5 1 18

zukey[contributor] 1,285 pts. 7 years ago*

  1. The Salvaged Cleaver is a fairly cheap melee weapon with the ability to destroy barrels in one hit. This makes it one of the fastest tools for farming barrels.
  2. The salvaged cleaver's second swing will be much faster than the rest of the two other swings. This is helpful to abuse when fighting with melee weapons.

loopuleasa 68 pts. 3 years ago

Farming overview tl;dr:

Salvaged Cleaver is #1 for barrel farming, and #9 for roadsign farming

Soft Barrel Toplist:

#1 - 0.32s › Sword, Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#2 - 0.72s › Mace
#3 - 0.77s › Longsword, Cleaver
#4 - 0.85s › Combat Knife
#5 - 1.05s › Hatchet
#6 - 1.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#7 - 1.28s › Machete
#8 - 1.63s › Paddle
#9 - 1.70s › Bone Knife
#9 - 1.92s › Pickaxe

Hard Barrel Toplist:

#1 - 0.77s › Longsword, Cleaver
#2 - 0.85s › Combat Knife
#3 - 1.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#4 - 1.28s › Machete
#5 - 1.55s › Sword, Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#6 - 1.63s › Paddle
#7 - 1.82s › Bone Knife
#8 - 1.92s › Pickaxe
#9 - 1.95s › Hatchet
#10- 2.12s › Bone Knife
#11- 2.73s › Mace

Barrel Average TTK Toplist:

#1 - 0.77s › Longsword, Cleaver
#2 - 0.85s › Combat Knife
#3 - 0.93s › Sword, Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#4 - 1.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#5 - 1.28s › Machete
#6 - 1.50s › Hatchet
#7 - 1.63s › Paddle
#8 - 1.72s › Mace
#9 - 1.92s › Pickaxe, Bone Knife

Roadsigns Toplist:

#1 - 2.77s › Mace
#2 - 3.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#3 - 4.05s › Sword
#4 - 4.13s › Paddle
#5 - 4.62s › Hatchet
#6 - 4.75s › Longsword
#7 - 5.22s › Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#8 - 5.38s › Machete
#9 - 6.73s › Cleaver
#10- 9.43s › Pickaxe
Credit to Tamura77, loopuleasa
Identifier -1978999529
Stack Size ×1
Despawn time 20 min