
Ammunition for both submarine types. Fires in a straight line. Used to be called Direct Torpedo. As of September 2021's update, the Surface Torpedo was removed from the game due to players camping underwater with little to no risk. The Direct Torpedo was then renamed to Torpedo.

Damage 430
Explosion Radius 5 m
Explosion Delay 15–20 sec
  1. Shopping
  2. Craft
  3. Blueprint
  4. Ammo for
  5. Recycling
  6. Tips
Shop name For Sale Cost
Boat Vendor Torpedo×2 Scrap×75
Blueprint Ingredients Time Workbench Level
Torpedo Blueprint×5 Torpedo Blueprint Metal PipeGun Powder×30 5–10 sec Workbench Level 2II
Metal Pipe Blueprint Metal Pipe Blueprint High Quality Metal×2Scrap×20 1 sec Workbench Level 3III
Gun Powder Blueprint×10 Gun Powder Blueprint

Known by Default

Charcoal×30Sulfur×20 1–2 sec Workbench Level 1I
Tool Requirements Scrap Total
Research Table Research Table TorpedoScrap×75>Torpedo Blueprint 75
Workbench Level 2 Workbench Level 2 Longsword BlueprintSalvaged Axe BlueprintSalvaged Icepick BlueprintMetal Shield Blueprint12 Gauge Buckshot BlueprintPump Shotgun BlueprintHomemade Landmine BlueprintSemi-Automatic Pistol BlueprintF1 Grenade BlueprintPython Revolver BlueprintBattering Ram BlueprintBallista BlueprintCatapult BlueprintFlame Thrower BlueprintMuzzle Brake BlueprintThompson BlueprintSmoke Grenade BlueprintPropane Explosive Bomb BlueprintSemi-Automatic Rifle BlueprintHolosight BlueprintRocket Launcher BlueprintHigh Velocity Rocket BlueprintScrap×90>Torpedo Blueprint 3420
Workbench Level 2 Workbench Level 2 Longsword BlueprintSalvaged Axe BlueprintSalvaged Icepick BlueprintMetal Shield Blueprint12 Gauge Buckshot BlueprintPump Shotgun BlueprintHomemade Landmine BlueprintSemi-Automatic Pistol BlueprintF1 Grenade BlueprintPython Revolver BlueprintBattering Ram BlueprintBallista BlueprintCatapult BlueprintFlame Thrower BlueprintMuzzle Boost BlueprintCustom SMG BlueprintSmoke Grenade BlueprintPropane Explosive Bomb BlueprintSemi-Automatic Rifle BlueprintHolosight BlueprintRocket Launcher BlueprintHigh Velocity Rocket BlueprintScrap×90>Torpedo Blueprint 3420
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Gun Powder×3Metal Pipe8% 40 %
Recycler Gun Powder×4Metal Pipe12% 60 %

FeloHu 23 pts. 3 years ago

The direct torpedo
  • small boat
  • -requires one to sink small boats, However it is a lot easier to sink a boat with surface torpedoes
  • rhib
  • -requires two to sink a rhib, However it is a lot easier to sink a boat with surface torpedoes
  • submarines
  • -requires two to sink both types of submarines

Hard to aim in both subs due to the lack of crosshair and aiming mechanism, However if trying to shoot another submarine it can be easier to aim in the duo submarine because you can line up the dot on the radar with the top line of the radar scanner so you know when you are lined up for a direct shot

батя[contributor] 234 pts. 4 months ago

Its worth to buy them in fishing village and research on Research Table, not learning Workbench 2.
Identifier -1671551935
Stack Size ×100
Despawn time 20 min