Bone Knife

An early game weapon made out of bone. Very good to have early on due to it harvesting the most out of hunted animals (or humans!)

Damage 16
Attack Speed 86 HPM
Range 1.5 m
Draw 1 sec
Throw Yes
Bone Knife
  1. Craft
  2. Blueprint
  3. Repair
  4. Recycling
  5. Damage
  6. Gather
  7. Skins
  8. Tips
Blueprint Ingredients Time Workbench Level
Bone Knife Blueprint Bone Knife Blueprint

Known by Default

Bone Fragments×30 7–30 sec -
Tool Requirements Scrap Total
Research Table Research Table Bone KnifeScrap×10>Bone Knife Blueprint 10
Tool Max Repair Cost Condition Loss BP Required
Repair Bench Repair Bench Bone Fragments×6 20% No
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Bone Fragments×12 40 %
Recycler Bone Fragments×18 60 %
Attack Damage DPS Headshot Spread Velocity
Melee 16 23 ×2 - -
Throw 10 - ×1.5 1 20
Syringe Bone Knife

Syringe Bone Knife...

Rebar Knife

Rebar Knife...

Carrot Knife

Carrot Knife...

Flesh Knife

Flesh Knife...

Sacrificial Knife

Sacrificial Knife...

Studded Bone Knife

Studded Bone Knife...

Paititi Bone Knife

Paititi Bone Knife...

Etched Edge Bone Knife

Etched Edge Bone Knife...

Currency: $
  • A$Australian Dollar
  • R$Brazilian Real
  • £British Pound
  • C$Canadian Dollar
  • ¥Chinese Renminbi
  • Euro
  • Polish Zloty
  • р.Russian Ruble
  • RSouth African Rand
  • $US Dollar
  • Ukrainian Hryvnia

Hockeymaskbob 26 pts. 7 years ago

doesn't create a sash on the player

4294967291[contributor] 291 pts. 6 years ago

These don't lose durability when used on dead animals and humans, so it's a good idea to take one of these with you when you go hunting.

bonely snek[contributor] 174 pts. 6 years ago

Using bone knives to farm barrels is a very cheap and effective use for bones because they currently do not have many other uses.

N3xT[contributor] 351 pts. 5 years ago

You can actually exercise with a bone knife to make plays with it in combat (low geared players, nakeds, roleplayers etc). The combat style would be: jumping around the victim, slashing rapidly, making "jump blows".. basically, like a ninja.
The low amount of damage is able to be compensated by such a combat style, and the attack rate, surprise element, and the rush of the attack felt by your opponent (who doesn't know where to run, and how fast). After some exercise, it's pretty easy to kill a bow guy with it. You can place down 3 or 4 slashes every time they slide an arrow up.

loopuleasa 68 pts. 3 years ago

Farming overview tl;dr:

Bone knife is #9 for barrel farming, and not recommended for roadsigns due to low durability.
However, due to the cheap cost, it can be much better than a rock.

Soft Barrel Toplist:

#1 - 0.32s › Sword, Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#2 - 0.72s › Mace
#3 - 0.77s › Longsword, Cleaver
#4 - 0.85s › Combat Knife
#5 - 1.05s › Hatchet
#6 - 1.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#7 - 1.28s › Machete
#8 - 1.63s › Paddle
#9 - 1.70s › Bone Knife
#9 - 1.92s › Pickaxe

Hard Barrel Toplist:

#1 - 0.77s › Longsword, Cleaver
#2 - 0.85s › Combat Knife
#3 - 1.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#4 - 1.28s › Machete
#5 - 1.55s › Sword, Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#6 - 1.63s › Paddle
#7 - 1.82s › Bone Knife
#8 - 1.92s › Pickaxe
#9 - 1.95s › Hatchet
#10- 2.12s › Bone Knife
#11- 2.73s › Mace

Barrel Average TTK Toplist:

#1 - 0.77s › Longsword, Cleaver
#2 - 0.85s › Combat Knife
#3 - 0.93s › Sword, Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#4 - 1.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#5 - 1.28s › Machete
#6 - 1.50s › Hatchet
#7 - 1.63s › Paddle
#8 - 1.72s › Mace
#9 - 1.92s › Pickaxe, Bone Knife

Roadsigns Toplist:

#1 - 2.77s › Mace
#2 - 3.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#3 - 4.05s › Sword
#4 - 4.13s › Paddle
#5 - 4.62s › Hatchet
#6 - 4.75s › Longsword
#7 - 5.22s › Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#8 - 5.38s › Machete
#9 - 6.73s › Cleaver
#10- 9.43s › Pickaxe
Credit to Tamura77, loopuleasa

AKO 57 pts. 2 years ago

Excellent for breaking barrels, breaking bags during a raid, or breaking a soft side stone wall (requires many of them). Since it's low cost for 30 bone, it's relatively cheap to make for eco raiding.

MeeMdic 25 pts. year ago

You can craft them with bone fragments from skinning nakeds at the beach
Identifier 1814288539
Stack Size ×1
Despawn time 5 min