Incendiary Rocket

Incendiary rockets spread flames over the area of impact, dealing fire damage to its surroundings. It deals heavy damage to wooden structures and turrets. They can also be used effectively to trap and kill players in an enclosed space.

Damage 50
Explosion Radius 5 m
Explosion Delay 8–10 sec
Incendiary Rocket
  1. Loot
  2. Craft
  3. Blueprint
  4. Events
  5. Ammo for
  6. Recycling
  7. Tips
Container Condition Amount Chance
Helicopter Crate - 5 15 %
APC Crate - 5–10 25 %
Blueprint Ingredients Time Workbench Level
Incendiary Rocket Blueprint Incendiary Rocket Blueprint Metal Pipe×2Gun Powder×150Low Grade Fuel×75 5–10 sec Workbench Level 2II
Metal Pipe Blueprint Metal Pipe Blueprint High Quality Metal×2Scrap×20 1 sec Workbench Level 3III
Gun Powder Blueprint×10 Gun Powder Blueprint

Known by Default

Charcoal×30Sulfur×20 1–2 sec Workbench Level 1I
Low Grade Fuel Blueprint×4 Low Grade Fuel Blueprint

Known by Default

Animal Fat×3Cloth 1–5 sec -
Tool Requirements Scrap Total
Research Table Research Table Incendiary RocketScrap×125>Incendiary Rocket Blueprint 125
Workbench Level 2 Workbench Level 2 Longsword BlueprintSalvaged Axe BlueprintSalvaged Icepick Blueprint12 Gauge Buckshot BlueprintPump Shotgun BlueprintHomemade Landmine BlueprintSemi-Automatic Pistol BlueprintF1 Grenade BlueprintPython Revolver BlueprintFlame Thrower BlueprintMuzzle Brake BlueprintThompson BlueprintSmoke Grenade Blueprint5.56 Rifle Ammo BlueprintSemi-Automatic Rifle BlueprintHolosight BlueprintRocket Launcher BlueprintScrap×150>Incendiary Rocket Blueprint 2910
Workbench Level 2 Workbench Level 2 Longsword BlueprintSalvaged Axe BlueprintSalvaged Icepick Blueprint12 Gauge Buckshot BlueprintPump Shotgun BlueprintHomemade Landmine BlueprintSemi-Automatic Pistol BlueprintF1 Grenade BlueprintPython Revolver BlueprintFlame Thrower BlueprintMuzzle Boost BlueprintCustom SMG BlueprintSmoke Grenade Blueprint5.56 Rifle Ammo BlueprintSemi-Automatic Rifle BlueprintHolosight BlueprintRocket Launcher BlueprintScrap×150>Incendiary Rocket Blueprint 2910
Can be found in Condition Amount Chance
Gold Egg Gold Egg - 5 17 %
Large Loot Bag Large Loot Bag - 5 17 %
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Metal PipeGun Powder×60Low Grade Fuel×30 40 %
Recycler Metal Pipe×2Gun Powder×90Low Grade Fuel×45 60 %

Quarkyツ 77 pts. 4 years ago

These are your best friend when dealing with an auto turrent, as it only requires 1 Incendiary Rocket to destroy one.

weedspagon 36 pts. 2 years ago

very expensive for raiding, and its use as area denial, while notable, is not its ideal use. Your best bet with these when found as loot is to recycle them, turn them into HV rockets and use them on Bradley. Each incendiary scraps into enough for a HV rocket plus 25 gunpowder, 125 lowgrade and sometimes an explosive as well.

ERKEK2000 41 pts. year ago

The most underrated thing in the game. Can absolutely paralyze your opponents during a raid for quite some time and make it totally one sided. Fires spread, deal damage and horrendously slow players in them.
Identifier 1638322904
Stack Size ×3
Despawn time 1 hour