Incendiary Pistol Bullet

Slower, slightly more effective pistol bullet that also deals fire damage. Useful against Heavy Plate armor.

Incendiary Pistol Bullet
  1. Loot
  2. Craft
  3. Mixing
  4. Blueprint
  5. Ammo for
  6. Recycling
  7. Tips
Container Condition Amount Chance
Tool Box - 10 1 %
Sunken Crate - 10 0.4 %
Underwater Lab Ammo Crate - 10–30 27 %
Underwater Lab Tool Box - 10 1 %
Supply Drop - 10–30 27 %
Patrol Scientist - 10 1 %
Oil Rig Scientist - 10 1 %
Excavator Scientist - 10 1 %
Arctic Scientist - 10 1 %
NVG Scientist - 10 1 %
Military Base Scientist - 10 1 %
Heavy Scientist - 10–30 27 %
Cargo Ship Scientist - 10 1 %
Heavy Scientist With Minigun - 10–30 27 %
Heavy Scientist With Flamethrower - 10–30 27 %
Blueprint Ingredients Time Workbench Level
Incendiary Pistol Bullet Blueprint×3 Incendiary Pistol Bullet Blueprint Metal Fragments×10Gun Powder×10Sulfur×5 1–3 sec Workbench Level 2II
Gun Powder Blueprint×10 Gun Powder Blueprint

Known by Default

Charcoal×30Sulfur×20 1–2 sec Workbench Level 1I
Product Recipe Ingredients Total Time BP Required Workbench
Incendiary Pistol Bullet×3 Incendiary Pistol Bullet Gun Powder×10Metal Fragments×10Sulfur×5 Sulfur×65Charcoal×60Metal Fragments×10 3 sec Yes Mixing Table
Tool Requirements Scrap Total
Research Table Research Table Incendiary Pistol BulletScrap×125>Incendiary Pistol Bullet Blueprint 125
Workbench Level 2 Workbench Level 2 Longsword BlueprintSalvaged Axe BlueprintSalvaged Icepick BlueprintMetal Shield Blueprint12 Gauge Buckshot BlueprintPump Shotgun BlueprintHomemade Landmine BlueprintSemi-Automatic Pistol BlueprintF1 Grenade BlueprintPython Revolver BlueprintBattering Ram BlueprintBallista BlueprintCatapult BlueprintScrap×150>Incendiary Pistol Bullet Blueprint 1800
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Metal Fragments×2Gun Powder×2Sulfur 40 %
Recycler Metal Fragments×2Gun Powder×2Sulfur 60 %

JiveCracker[contributor] 108 pts. 6 years ago

Highest damage ammo for anything that takes pistol bullets. They are so expensive that they aren't worth researching and crafting, however if you find some use it for a special occasion.

Tintinico[contributor] 139 pts. 4 years ago

It's worth bringing a python loaded with this stuff in case horse riders with heavy armor show up.
Identifier 51984655
Stack Size ×128
Despawn time 40 min