
This tool is a must-have for any Rust player. It is the most efficient tool when gathering wood and harvesting animals. Relatively cheap and durable, this tool should be what you aim for in the early stages of the game.

Damage 25
Attack Speed 67 HPM
Range 1.5 m
Draw 1 sec
Throw Yes
  1. Loot
  2. Shopping
  3. Craft
  4. Digging
  5. Blueprint
  6. Events
  7. Repair
  8. Recycling
  9. Damage
  10. Gather
  11. Skins
  12. Tips
Container Condition Amount Chance
Crate 100 % 1 0.5 %
Tool Box 100 % 1 8 %
Sunken Crate 100 % 1 5 %
Sunken Chest 100 % 1 1 %
Underwater Lab Tool Box 100 % 1 8 %
Underwater Lab Blue Crate 100 % 1 0.5 %
Mine Crate 100 % 1 3 %
Minecart 100 % 1 3 %
Wagon Crate 100 % 1 1 %
Underwater Dweller 100 % 1 0.2 %
Tunnel Dweller 100 % 1 0.2 %
Patrol Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Oil Rig Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Excavator Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Arctic Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Military Base Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Cargo Ship Scientist 100 % 1 0.2 %
Shop name For Sale Cost
Shop Keeper Hatchet Scrap×150
Tools & Stuff Hatchet Scrap×40
Blueprint Ingredients Time Workbench Level
Hatchet Blueprint Hatchet Blueprint Wood×100Metal Fragments×75 7–30 sec Workbench Level 1I
Tool Location Biome Amount Chance
Metal Detector Metal Detector Forests Any biome 1 40 %
Tool Requirements Scrap Total
Research Table Research Table HatchetScrap×75>Hatchet Blueprint 75
Workbench Level 1 Workbench Level 1 Salvaged Hammer BlueprintScrap×83>Hatchet Blueprint 166
Can be found in Condition Amount Chance
Pinata Pinata 100 % 1 15 %
Tool Max Repair Cost Condition Loss BP Required
Repair Bench Repair Bench Wood×20Metal Fragments×15 20% Yes
Recycler Yield Efficiency
Safe Zone Recycler Wood×40Metal Fragments×30 40 %
Recycler Wood×60Metal Fragments×45 60 %
Attack Damage DPS Headshot Spread Velocity
Melee 25 28 ×2 - -
Throw 15 - ×1.5 1 22
No Mercy Hatchet

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Quarantine Hatchet

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Cardboard Hatchet

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Inflatable Hatchet

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Pixel Decay Hatchet

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Rebirth Hatchet

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Colosseum Hatchet

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Abyss Pack

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Hatchet From Hell

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Low Poly Hatchet

Low Poly Hatchet...

Bare Bones Hatchet

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Wasteland Hatchet

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Lumberjack Pack

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Modern Military Hatchet

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Gothic Warlord Hatchet

Gothic Warlord Hatchet...

Blacksmith's Hatchet

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Overgrown Hatchet

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Carbon Fiber Hatchet

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Rebar Hatchet

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Ancient Amber Hatchet

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Doodle Hatchet

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Shadowstrike Hatchet

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Deep Sea Hatchet

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Lightweight Hatchet

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Night Farmer Hatchet

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Hunting Hatchet

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Meteorite Hatchet

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Rainbow Pony Hatchet

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Chaos Hatchet

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Norse Hatchet

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Apocalyptic Hatchet

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Emerald Relic Hatchet

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Toothed Hatchet

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Dragon Claw Hatchet

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Warlord Hatchet

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Tactical Hatchet

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Raventale Hatchet

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Reaper Hatchet

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Pharon Hatchet

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Secret Zone Hatchet

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Hazard Hatchet

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Road Hatchet

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Spec Ops Hatchet

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Survivor's Hatchet

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Virulent Hatchet

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Fenrir Hatchet

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Shinobi Hatchet

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Hatchet of Antiquities

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Snow Valley Hatchet

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Widowmaker Hatchet

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Full Metal Hatchet

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Siege Breaker

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Prospector's Hatchet

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Notorious Hatchet

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Vikings Tomahawk

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Golden Axe

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Veteran Hatchet

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Military Hatchet

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Firefighter Hatchet

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Currency: $
  • A$Australian Dollar
  • R$Brazilian Real
  • £British Pound
  • C$Canadian Dollar
  • ¥Chinese Renminbi
  • Euro
  • Polish Zloty
  • р.Russian Ruble
  • RSouth African Rand
  • $US Dollar
  • Ukrainian Hryvnia

PUR3ICE 268 pts. 6 years ago

It has a decent amount of bonus bleeding damage, forcing enemys to use bandages and swap their weapons.
It has a very nice throwing range and you can decently aim with it for throws.
You can use it to destroy items. like beds and boxes as it deals decent damage

loopuleasa 68 pts. 3 years ago

Road Farming overview tl;dr:

Hatchet is #6 for barrel farming, and #5 for roadsign farming
Mostly for wood, but can double as a road farming tool or animal harvesting tool.

Soft Barrel Toplist:

#1 - 0.32s › Sword, Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#2 - 0.72s › Mace
#3 - 0.77s › Longsword, Cleaver
#4 - 0.85s › Combat Knife
#5 - 1.05s › Hatchet
#6 - 1.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#7 - 1.28s › Machete
#8 - 1.63s › Paddle
#9 - 1.70s › Bone Knife
#9 - 1.92s › Pickaxe

Hard Barrel Toplist:

#1 - 0.77s › Longsword, Cleaver
#2 - 0.85s › Combat Knife
#3 - 1.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#4 - 1.28s › Machete
#5 - 1.55s › Sword, Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#6 - 1.63s › Paddle
#7 - 1.82s › Bone Knife
#8 - 1.92s › Pickaxe
#9 - 1.95s › Hatchet
#10- 2.12s › Bone Knife
#11- 2.73s › Mace

Barrel Average TTK Toplist:

#1 - 0.77s › Longsword, Cleaver
#2 - 0.85s › Combat Knife
#3 - 0.93s › Sword, Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#4 - 1.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#5 - 1.28s › Machete
#6 - 1.50s › Hatchet
#7 - 1.63s › Paddle
#8 - 1.72s › Mace
#9 - 1.92s › Pickaxe, Bone Knife

Roadsigns Toplist:

#1 - 2.77s › Mace
#2 - 3.20s › Salvaged Hammer
#3 - 4.05s › Sword
#4 - 4.13s › Paddle
#5 - 4.62s › Hatchet
#6 - 4.75s › Longsword
#7 - 5.22s › Icepick, Salvaged Axe
#8 - 5.38s › Machete
#9 - 6.73s › Cleaver
#10- 9.43s › Pickaxe
Credit to Tamura77, loopuleasa

Lulu 69 pts. 2 years ago

Gives the second most amount of wood per tree, beaten by the [url=https://rustlabs.com/item/salvaged-axe]salvaged axe[/url] and [url=https://rustlabs.com/item/chainsaw]chainsaw[/url].

Mutes all tryhard 231 pts. year ago

in order to test how these tools compared, i got 15,500 wood with each of them. i just hit whatever tree what next to me over and over again. here are the results
chainsaw got 15,500 wood in 2 minutes 30 seconds.cost me 38 low grade fuel. did not lose a lot of durability. but it is loud, and i want to save my gears for shotgun traps / garage doors. and i want to save my hqm for weapons and weapon mods. you can get a ton of metal blades in the underground train tunnels. or you can hit ~38 barrels to get 6 metal blades. RATING only if you are rich on gears, metal blades, hqm, low grade fuel. only use if you love pvp and have guns to lose, because the noise you make will invite other to pvp. don't worry about losing guns too much after you have researched or blueprinted sar and have a lot of metal fragments cooked, because you can always make more SARs and if you don't use your guns, you will get offline raided anyway.
salvaged axe got 15,500 wood in 5 minutes 50 seconds. did not lose a lot of durability. it is largely silent. you don't need hqm or gears for this. you can get a ton of metal blades in the underground train tunnels. or you can hit ~32 barrels to get 5 metal blades. you can get one metal pipe from one road sign. do not build this if you do not have enough metal blades for other things. metal blades are also used for (1) making metal barricades (they are only really seen in certain compound's designs) and (2) making salvaged swords (they are used to hit barrels for cheap, and to eco raid bases wood bases silently until you have molotov cocktails. 9 metal blades for 9 salvaged swords per wooden door and takes 6 minutes. 8 metal blades for 8 salvaged swords per wood wall and takes about 5 minutes) and to (3) make salvaged icepicks. RATING: gather rate speed is good, durability is amazing. you have to cut down less trees because you get more wood per tree than the hatchet. and you lose less durability per tree. so, you have to repair maybe every ~60,000 wood. the durability is insane. which is awesome, because you don't have to bring out your repair bench so often anymore. every time i use this, i smile because i know i won't have to repair it :D
the hatchet got 15,500 wood in 6 minutes 30 seconds. lost i think 50% of durability. it is largely silent. you don't need metal blades or gears or hqm for this. if you use these, you will be needing a repair bench in your house. repair benches can be picked up with a hammer and repair benches do not take damage when picked up. they fit in a doorway too, so you can place them half in your airlock and half stickout into the core of your starter. then you can pick it up and put it in a box to store it after using it. RATING: gather rate speed is good. breaks every ~31,000 wood. this is a huge improvement over lesser tools.
the salvaged hammer got 15,500 wood in 9 minutes 58 seconds. it only lost about 50% durability. since this costs metal fragments like the hatchet, you might as well use the hatchet since the hatchet can do the same job 3 minutes and 30 seconds faster. if you use these, you will be needing a repair bench in your house. repair benches can be picked up with a hammer and repair benches do not take damage when picked up. they fit in a doorway too, so you can place them half in your airlock and half stickout into the core of your starter. then you can pick it up and put it in a box to store it after using it. using repair benches is a hassle, so upgrade past these as soon as possible. RATING: poor, has too many durability issues. breaks every 31,000 wood or so. but gathering wood with this takes longer than every other tool.
the stone hatchet got 15,500 wood in 8 minutes 34 seconds. i had to use two stone hatchets. the first stone hatchet broke after 9,300 wood in 5 minutes 5 seconds. the 2nd stone hatchet got me the 15,500 wood i wanted for this test, but it went down to 33% durability. if you use these, you will be needing a repair bench in your house. repair benches can be picked up with a hammer and repair benches do not take damage when picked up. they fit in a doorway too, so you can place them half in your airlock and half stickout into the core of your starter. then you can pick it up and put it in a box to store it after using it. using repair benches is a hassle, so upgrade past these as soon as possible. RATING: poor, gather rate is slow. has too many durability issues. breaks ever 9,000 wood or so.
Identifier -1252059217
Stack Size ×1
Despawn time 20 min