Underwater Lab Yellow Crate

The crate contains a similar loot pool with the Military Crate and could be found in Underwater Labs and Artic Research Base.

Underwater Lab Yellow Crate
  1. Loot
  2. Tips
Item Condition Category Chance
High Quality Metal×15-24 High Quality Metal - Resources 17 %
Scrap×8 Scrap - Resources 100 %
CCTV Camera CCTV Camera - Resources 8 %
Metal Pipe×5 Metal Pipe - Component 17 %
Heavy Plate Jacket Heavy Plate Jacket 100 % Attire 0.4 %
Rifle Body Rifle Body - Component 17 %
Heavy Plate Pants Heavy Plate Pants 100 % Attire 0.4 %
Targeting Computer Targeting Computer - Resources 9 %
Drone Drone 100 % Items 0.4 %
Tech Trash×2-3 Tech Trash - Component 17 %
Boots Boots - Attire 0.4 %
Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher 100 % Weapon 0.4 %
SMG Body SMG Body - Component 17 %
Pump Shotgun Pump Shotgun 1–3 % Weapon 0.4 %
Storage Monitor Storage Monitor - Electrical 0.4 %
RF Transmitter RF Transmitter 100 % Tool 0.4 %
Garage Door Garage Door 100 % Construction 0.4 %
F1 Grenade F1 Grenade - Weapon 0.4 %
Industrial Crafter Industrial Crafter - Electrical 0.4 %
Medium Rechargeable Battery Medium Rechargeable Battery 100 % Electrical 0.4 %
Handcuffs Handcuffs 100 % Tool 0.4 %
Hoodie Hoodie - Attire 0.4 %
Search Light Search Light - Electrical 0.4 %
Locker Locker 100 % Items 0.4 %
High External Stone Gate High External Stone Gate - Construction 0.4 %
Medical Syringe Medical Syringe - Medical 0.4 %
Water Pump Water Pump - Electrical 0.4 %
Modular Car Lift Modular Car Lift - Electrical 0.4 %
Road Sign Jacket Road Sign Jacket 100 % Attire 0.5 %
Laser Detector Laser Detector - Electrical 0.4 %
Ladder Hatch Ladder Hatch 100 % Construction 0.4 %
Auto Turret Auto Turret 100 % Electrical 0.5 %
RAND Switch RAND Switch - Electrical 0.4 %
Computer Station Computer Station 100 % Electrical 0.5 %
Digital Clock Digital Clock - Electrical 0.5 %
Smart Switch Smart Switch - Electrical 0.5 %
AND Switch AND Switch - Electrical 0.4 %
Molotov Cocktail Molotov Cocktail - Weapon 0.4 %
Large Water Catcher Large Water Catcher - Construction 0.4 %
Chainsaw Chainsaw 100 % Tool 0.5 %
Night Vision Goggles Night Vision Goggles 100 % Attire 0.4 %
Muzzle Boost Muzzle Boost 100 % Weapon 0.4 %
Roadsign Horse Armor Roadsign Horse Armor 100 % Attire 0.4 %
Salvaged Icepick Salvaged Icepick 100 % Tool 0.4 %
Strengthened Glass Window Strengthened Glass Window 100 % Construction 0.4 %
Supply Signal Supply Signal - Tool 1 %
Small Oil Refinery Small Oil Refinery - Items 0.4 %
Powered Water Purifier Powered Water Purifier - Electrical 0.5 %
HBHF Sensor HBHF Sensor - Electrical 0.5 %
Diver propulsion vehicle Diver propulsion vehicle 100 % Items 0.4 %
Battering Ram Battering Ram - Weapon 0.4 %
Salvaged Axe Salvaged Axe 100 % Tool 0.5 %
Flashbang Flashbang - Weapon 0.4 %
Large Furnace Large Furnace - Items 0.4 %
Elevator Elevator 100 % Electrical 0.4 %
Python Revolver Python Revolver 10 % Weapon 0.4 %
Metal Shield Metal Shield 100 % Attire 0.5 %
Gas Compression Overdrive Gas Compression Overdrive - Weapon 0.4 %
Thompson Thompson 10–20 % Weapon 0.4 %
Longsword Longsword 100 % Weapon 0.4 %
High Caliber Revolver High Caliber Revolver 10 % Weapon 0.4 %
Flame Thrower Flame Thrower 0–2 % Weapon 0.4 %
RF Receiver RF Receiver - Electrical 0.4 %
Smoke Grenade Smoke Grenade - Tool 0.4 %
Metal Barricade Metal Barricade - Construction 0.4 %
Tesla Coil Tesla Coil 100 % Electrical 0.4 %
Prison Cell Wall Prison Cell Wall 100 % Construction 0.5 %
Heavy Plate Helmet Heavy Plate Helmet 100 % Attire 0.4 %
Mounted Ballista Mounted Ballista - Weapon 0.4 %
Counter Counter - Electrical 0.4 %
High External Stone Wall High External Stone Wall - Construction 0.4 %
Electric Furnace Electric Furnace 100 % Electrical 0.5 %
Holosight Holosight - Weapon 0.4 %
Road Sign Kilt Road Sign Kilt 100 % Attire 0.4 %
Parachute Parachute 100 % Attire 0.4 %
Semi-Automatic Rifle Semi-Automatic Rifle 10–20 % Weapon 0.4 %
Concrete Barricade Concrete Barricade - Construction 0.4 %
Muzzle Brake Muzzle Brake 100 % Weapon 0.4 %
Homing Missile Launcher Homing Missile Launcher 100 % Weapon 0.4 %
Homemade Landmine Homemade Landmine - Traps 0.4 %
Coffee Can Helmet Coffee Can Helmet 100 % Attire 0.4 %
Roadsign Gloves Roadsign Gloves - Attire 0.5 %
Hazmat Suit Hazmat Suit 100 % Attire 0.4 %
RF Pager RF Pager 100 % Electrical 0.4 %
Custom SMG Custom SMG 10–20 % Weapon 0.5 %
Catapult Catapult - Weapon 0.4 %
Large Rechargeable Battery Large Rechargeable Battery 100 % Electrical 0.4 %
RF Broadcaster RF Broadcaster - Electrical 0.4 %
Metal Vertical embrasure Metal Vertical embrasure 100 % Construction 0.4 %
Smart Alarm Smart Alarm - Electrical 0.4 %
Metal horizontal embrasure Metal horizontal embrasure 100 % Construction 0.4 %
Large Medkit Large Medkit - Medical 0.4 %
Wind Turbine Wind Turbine - Electrical 0.4 %
Memory Cell Memory Cell - Electrical 0.4 %
Semi-Automatic Pistol Semi-Automatic Pistol 10–20 % Weapon 0.4 %
Small Generator Small Generator 100 % Electrical 0.4 %
Extended Magazine Extended Magazine - Weapon 0.4 %
High Quality Horse Shoes High Quality Horse Shoes 100 % Attire 0.4 %
Seismic Sensor Seismic Sensor - Electrical 0.4 %
PTZ CCTV Camera PTZ CCTV Camera 100 % Electrical 0.4 %
Ballista Ballista 100 % Weapon 0.4 %
Prison Cell Gate Prison Cell Gate 100 % Construction 0.4 %
Triangle Ladder Hatch Triangle Ladder Hatch 100 % Construction 0.4 %
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